
Showing posts from July, 2018


3.0 Introduction In this chapter, I will discuss about the methodology used in this research to collect data for the challenges in achieving equity and equality in education. It consists of research design, sample and instruments use to collect data needed to complete the research. The data is very important for the researcher to analyze the result to measure the validity and reliability of the research. 3.1 Research Design This study is to determine the challenges in achieving equity and equality in education. Furthermore, this research will utilize quantitative approach in order to answer the all the research questions regarding the level of equity focus has been integrated in programmes design and implementation that contributed to achieve results, challenges faced and barriers in applying equity focus and bes approaches of equity focus can be more effectively used and applied in policy and programme development. It involves 60 respondents in school. 3.2 Instrumentation T


2.0 Introduction This study only focus on equity and equality of education and through review of the literature suggests it may provide partial solutions to these concerns. In this chapter, the literature review from the past researcher was collected and summarized to show the evidence and supporting this research. This chapter also will discuss the review based on the previous research, which are related and connected to this research. 2.1 Concept of Equity & Equality             Equity has been defined in various ways by researchers. According to Secada (2003), the definition of equity brings different meanings for different people and different groups. There are five categories of equity, which are caring, socially enlightened self-interest, representations, equality and social justice. First, equity in the categories of caring focus on safe and nurturing learning environments that create by teachers for students, and fulfil their social and emotional needs. Teachers wh